Turkey Is Conducting Preparatory Work To Create A Gas Hub

Turkey is conducting preparatory work to create a gas hub to supply Europe with gas, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday.

The idea of ​​building a center in Turkey to divert the volumes of gas that are no longer able to transit through the Nord Stream was proposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. during the Russian Energy Week. 

Turkey is conducting preparatory work to create a gas hub to supply Europe with gas, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin, as you know, proposed that natural gas for Europe be distributed through the territory of Turkey. We are doing preparatory work for it,” he was quoted as saying by TV channel TRT. 

The idea of ​​building a center in Turkey to divert the volumes of gas that are no longer able to transit through the Nord Stream was proposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin during the Russian Energy Week. 

It could involve building another gas pipeline system and creating a hub in Turkey through which to deliver gas  to third countries, mainly European ones, if they are interested, he said. 

This question was one of the issues discussed by the Russian and Turkish Presidents in on  the sidelines  of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia  on October 13 in Astana.