Zelenskyy secured support on U.S trip, mobilizing the world against Russia

Ukraine is alive and kicking," the 44-year-old comedian-turned-president told a joint session of Congress after emerging from the conflict as a heroic war leader. The struggle is not just about the life, liberty and security of Ukrainians or any other nation Russia is trying to conquer.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and US President Joe Biden on Wednesday demonstrated their continued determination to work together to roll back  Russia's invasion of Ukraine when Zelenskyy traveled to the United States on his first wartime foreign trip. 

At the start of the invasion in February, the Biden administration announced $1.85 billion in new security aid. Through his meeting with Biden at the White House and a speech before the U.S

Congressman Zelenskyy, clad in his signature khaki green attire, expressed his deep gratitude for the support he has received and called for more help to win  the war  he believes will spell the future of the world will shape. gloomy scenarios, Ukraine did not fall. 

Ukraine is alive and kicking," the 44-year-old comedian-turned-president told a joint session of Congress after emerging from the conflict as a heroic war leader. The struggle is not just about the life, liberty and security of Ukrainians or any other nation  Russia is trying to conquer. 

This fight will determine the world our children and grandchildren will live in," he said, adding that financial aid is not "charity but an investment in  global security and democracy."

Zelenskyi's stormy visit to the US capital came after Russia's intense attacks on Ukraine's critical infrastructure, including the power grid, in freezing winter temperatures. Biden told Zelenskyy at the beginning of their meeting that Ukrainians "continue to inspire the world". 

“with its resilience and determination to defend its future, and promised to further strengthen Ukraine's counterattack capability, especially in air defense, and criticized Russia for trying to use the winter of “as a weapon.” 

A senior defense official told reporters that the Patriot missile battery will give Ukraine "a crucial long-range capability to defend its airspace," with the ability to intercept cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and aircraft. Russia has warned of a possible delivery of the ground-based air defense system from Washington to the warned Ukraine, who sees the move as provocative.

Biden stressed during a joint press conference with the Ukrainian leader that the Patriot system is "defensive" and "not escalating". We must be clear about what Russia is doing. 

It is deliberately attacking Ukraine's critical infrastructure and destroying the systems that provide heat and light to the Ukrainian people during the coldest and darkest time of the year," he said. 

We also know that (Russian President Vladimir) Putin has no intention  of ending this cruel war," Biden told th World, which continues next year citing countries like Japan. He ended the press conference with the words of Zelenskyj: "You don't have to worry."

We will stay with Ukraine as long as Ukraine exists. Meanwhile, a senior Biden administration official stressed that  support for Kyiv will remain "broad, deep and bipartisan," downplaying concerns about possible tighter oversight of financial aid to Ukraine as Republicans start in January after the midterm elections Take control of the House of Representatives. 

According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Patriot defense system is by far the most  expensive single weapon system shipped from the United States to Ukraine. 

The total cost is expected to be around $1.1 billion: $400 million for the system and $690 million for the missiles, according to U.S experts said the think tank. However, experts also said that the Patriot system “won't be a game changer, as it will be limited by the area it can cover, the unique unit it will deploy and the high cost of its interceptors. 

The United States will train Ukrainian forces on how to operate the Patriot missile battery in "a third country," and it will take several months to ensure  troops can operate the system in their own country, U.S. government officials told the world as well as at multinational gatherings to rally international support for your country.

He delivered a virtual speech  before the US Congress in March. The Ukrainian leader's  gratitude during his trip to the United States will likely serve as a "significant boost of momentum and support for US and allied support for the coming months." said the senior official in the Biden administration. 

In his personal speech to the US Congress on Wednesday, Zelenskyy also expressed his people's determination to seek victory despite the harsh reality they face.

"We're going to celebrate Christmas in two days," he said, noting that this year's celebrations may be "candlelit," not "because it's more romantic," but because "there's no electricity." don't complain... We Ukrainians... will lead our struggle for independence and freedom with dignity and success.