President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Murderers Shedding Blood of Our Citizens in Europe

He started by criticizing the European countries for protecting terrorist organizations, such as the PKK and FETO

As the president of a country that has been victim to atrocious acts of violence, you would think that Recep Tayyip Erdogan would be welcomed with open arms in any European country.

In a speech given on Sunday, Erdogan condemned the way murderers who have shed the blood of Turkish citizens are being embraced in almost every European country. He went on to say that although Turkey is not a member of the European Union, it is still part of Europe, and that the European Union should be ashamed of itself for not upholding its values.

This is a sentiment that has been echoed by many Turkish citizens in recent weeks and months. It seems that Europe has turned its back on us in our time of need.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Murderers Shedding Blood of Our Citizens in Europe

Let's take a closer look at what President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had to say about the murderers who have shed the blood of our citizens.

He started by criticizing the European countries for protecting terrorist organizations, such as the PKK and FETO. These organizations have caused a lot of pain and destruction in Turkey, and Erdogan is not happy that they're being given a safe haven in other countries.

He also mentioned the weapons that are being stockpiled in Western Thrace and on the islands. This is an obvious threat to Turkey, and Erdogan wants the world to know that they're not afraid.

What He Said

Do you know what our president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, had to say about murderers who have been shedding the blood of our citizens in Europe? He said that they are embraced in almost every European country.

Can you believe that? These murderers are being welcomed with open arms by European leaders, while we're the ones who have to suffer. It's really unfair, and it makes me so angry.

Erdogan also said that Europe is heading down a dangerous path, and he's absolutely right. If they don't start taking our safety more seriously, there's going to be a lot of trouble ahead.

What This Means

So what does this mean for you, as a European citizen?

It means that you're living in a society that embraces murderers. People who have killed innocent civilians are being welcomed with open arms, while the victims' families are left to mourn.

This is a disgrace, and it's something that we can't continue to tolerate. We need to stand up against these murderers, and let them know that they're not welcome in our society.

What Can Be Done

Look, we all know that murderers who have shed the blood of our citizens are embraced in almost every country in Europe. They're given safe havens, they're provided with support, and they're even celebrated as heroes. This is an outrage, and something needs to be done about it.

But what can be done? That's a tough question, and it's one that's been debated for years. Some people say that we should just cut off all ties with these countries, while others believe that we should engage in dialog and try to come to a resolution.

No matter what happens, though, one thing is for sure: We can't just stand by and let this happen. We need to take a stand against murderers and their supporters, and we need to do it now.

What Has Been Done

What has been done about the murderers who have shed the blood of our citizens in Europe?

Protests have taken place in many countries, and the anger of our citizens is understandable. But what more can be done?

We have called on the United Nations to take action, and we have asked for the European Union to do more to protect its citizens. We have worked with our allies to put pressure on these organizations, but the response has not been what we wanted.

Murderers who kill innocent people should be punished, and they should not be able to escape justice by fleeing to another country. We will continue to fight for justice for our citizens, and we will not rest until these killers are brought to justice.

What Will Happen Next

What will happen next is that these murderers will be embraced in almost every country in Europe. They will be welcomed as heroes. Because, as I said before, the European Union is founded on hypocrisy.

You see, the EU claims to stand for democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. But what it really stands for is its own interests. And if that means sacrificing the lives of innocent people, then so be it.

Don't forget, the EU has a history of turning a blind eye to terrorism. In fact, they've even been known to fund it. So don't expect them to come to our aid now. They'll just sit back and watch as these murderers run free. And that's a real shame, because the people of Europe deserve better than that.


What do you think about President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's statements on murderers who have shed the blood of our citizens being embraced in almost every country in Europe?