Ukraine to Its Citizens: Do Not Aid Russia’s “Referendum”

Ukraine’s Authorities Warn Citizens of Punishments for Aiding Russia’s “Referendum”

It is expected that Vladimir Putin will announce the annexation of the Luhansk and Kherson regions of Ukraine on Friday. This follows a vote that was held in these regions on Sunday, in which 97% of voters supported joining Russia.

The area, which includes around 4 million people, is seen as strategically important to Russia. It is home to a large number of Russian-speaking people, and also includes the port of Sevastopol – which is important for Russia’s naval forces.

Ukraine’s Authorities Warn Citizens of Punishments for Aiding Russia’s “Referendum”

As Russian state media reports, Vladimir Putin is expected to announce the annexation of Luhansk and Kherson regions on Friday. This move has been condemned by Ukraine’s authorities, who have warned citizens of the punishments they could face for aiding Russia’s “referendum”.

The annexation of these regions represents a major escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, and will almost certainly lead to further sanctions from the international community.

Why These Referendums Are Illegitimate

These referendums are illegitimate for a number of reasons.

First of all, they are not sanctioned by the Ukrainian government. The government in Kiev has made it clear that it does not recognize the results of the vote, and it has vowed to take all necessary measures to protect its sovereignty.

Second, the referendums are not being held in accordance with international law. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has stated that the vote cannot be considered legitimate because of the lack of freedom and fairness.

Third, the referendums are taking place in an atmosphere of intimidation and violence. There have been reports of armed groups intimidating voters and disrupting the voting process. People who do not support Russian annexation have been threatened and even attacked.

Fourth, the majority of people in these regions do not support Russian annexation. A recent poll found that only a minority of residents in these regions support joining Russia.

For all these reasons, it is clear that the referendums are illegitimate and should not be recognized.

What Kind of Punishments Citizens Face

If you are a citizen of the Luhansk and Kherson regions and do not want to be part of the Russian Federation, you will face punishment.

Russian authorities have said that anyone who does not want to be a part of Russia will be considered an "enemy of the people" and will be punished. This could include being sent to prison, being fined, or being deported.

So if you are a resident of these regions, it is important to make your feelings known to Russian authorities. Let them know that you do not want to be a part of the Russian Federation, and that you would like to remain part of Ukraine.

The International Community’s Response to the Referendums

The international community has responded to the referendums with criticism and sanctions. The United States and the European Union have imposed sanctions on Russian officials and businessmen, including Putin himself.

The referendums are seen as illegitimate and unconstitutional, and the international community is urging Russia to withdraw its troops and recognize the results of the Ukrainian presidential elections, which were held in May.

What the Future Holds for Ukraine and Russia’s Relationship

What will happen next is still up in the air, but it's clear that Russia and Ukraine's relationship is changing fast. Vladimir Putin is expected to announce the territories’ annexation on Friday when he addresses both houses of Russia’s parliament, according to Russian state media. This will be a major move that could further escalate the conflict between the two countries.


As Russian state media reports that Vladimir Putin will be announcing the annexation of the Luhansk and Kherson regions on Friday, it is important to understand the geopolitical consequences of this decision. If Putin successfully annexes these regions, it will give Russia a strategic advantage in the Ukrainian standoff and could lead to further aggression from Putin against Ukraine.

It is vital that the international community responds to Putin's actions with a unified voice. The United States and its allies must stand up to Putin's aggression and make it clear that he will not be allowed to get away with trampling on the sovereignty of another country.