Afghanistan's Top Leader Has Ordered Judges To Fully Enforce Aspects Of Islamic Law

The Taliban promised a softer version of the harsh rule that marked their first term from 1996 to 2001, but have gradually cracked down on rights and freedoms. "Carefully examine the files of thieves, kidnappers and rioters," Mujahid was quoted as saying. Akhundzada as said.

Afghanistan's top leader has ordered judges to fully enforce aspects of  Islamic law, including public executions, stoning and flogging, and limb amputations for thieves, the Taliban top spokesman said.

Zabihullah Mujahid tweeted  Sunday night that  Hibatullah Akhundzada's "mandatory" order came after the secret leader met with a group of judges. Akhundzada, who has not been filmed or photographed in public since the Taliban returned  last August, rules by decree in from Kandahar, the  birthplace of the spiritual movement. heartland. 

The Taliban promised a softer version of the harsh rule that marked their first term from 1996 to 2001, but have gradually cracked down on rights and freedoms. "Carefully examine the files of thieves, kidnappers and rioters," Mujahid was quoted as saying. Akhundzada as said.

"These files in which all the conditions of Sharia (Islamic law)  of Hudud and Qisas are met, he is obliged to implement them. This is the rule of Sharia and my mandate which is mandatory. Mujahid not was on Monday available  to expand  his tweet Hudud refers to crimes that require specific types of punishment under Islamic law,  while qisas translates to "retribution in kind" — effectively, an eye for an eye. Hudud's crimes include adultery  and false accusation drinking, stealing, kidnapping and mugging, apostasy and rebellion.

Qisas covers intentional killings and assaults, among other things, but also allows victims' families  to accept compensation instead of punishment. in  case of adultery: confession or testimony by four adult Muslim men. For over a year and even recently, social media has been inundated with videos and images of Taliban fighters flogging people  accused of various charges. There have also been reports of adulterers being flogged after Friday prayers in rural areas, but independent verification is difficult to obtain.

Rahima Popalzai, a legal and political analyst, said the edict could be an attempt by the Taliban to bolster a reputation they believe has weakened since their return to power. "If they really start to implement hudud and qisas, they will aim to stoke the fear that society has been gradually losing," he told AFP. He added that the Taliban also wanted to brush up on their Islamic credentials. 

As a theocratic formation, the Taliban want to strengthen their religious identity among Muslim countries. Their hard-won rights have evaporated over the past 15 months and  are increasingly being removed from public life.

Most female government employees have lost their jobs  or are being paid starvation wages to stay at home, while women are also forbidden to travel without a male relative and must cover themselves with a burqa or headscarf when except house are. 

Last week the Taliban also banned women from  parks, amusement parks, gyms and public baths. During their first term, the Taliban  carried out  public punishments, including floggings and executions at the national stadium.