Nigerian Army Assists Pregnant Boko Haram Women in Giving Birth

The barracks health center has successfully delivered the deliveries of two women and then provided their babies with the necessary supplies of food and clothing. One of the wives of a Boko Haram suspect who is still at large, Aisha.

As part of their love for humanity, health workers at  Giwa Barracks  in Borno state have successfully helped pregnant wives of imprisoned Boko Haram and ISWAP terrorists give birth, PRNigeria has compiled. 

The detention center has also provided the children of its inmates with the necessary care for their  physical growth. Boko Haram fighters were brought into the facility.

The barracks health center has successfully delivered the deliveries of two women and then provided their babies with the necessary supplies of food and clothing. One of the wives of a Boko Haram suspect who is still at large, Aisha. 

In May, Ibrahim gave birth to their seven-month-old son, Moammadu. But it wasn't in  the detention center that she conceived the baby. Moammadu was about six months pregnant when her mother was captured and taken to  Joint  Investigation Center , JIC, at  Giwa Barracks. 

The 31-year-old woman said she was afraid of her pregnancy and the fate of her unborn child as she joined the women at the military center late last year.

 But to my surprise, the military officers  guarding us took care of me and another woman who was also pregnant at the time. 

They gave us routine medication and constantly monitored our situation before we were delivered. They were also there for us when we were ready to go to bed. It was the women among the soldiers here (in JIC prison) who administered our deliveries, along with some private health officials at the clinic at our barracks.

Yanna Madu Kawu, another woman who has been held in the barracks since 2017 along with her husband (a repentant terrorist) confirmed what little Moammadu 's mother originally said, that her detention center staff  always provided support and necessary care for them perform pregnant wives of the arrested. Terrorists.

Since her arrival five years ago, Kawu, who is from the state's Konduga Prefecture, told PRNigeria that  military health officials at the barracks helped three pregnant women who were brought to her center to successfully give birth to a light. 

The 20-year-old, who already has a daughter, said: "You show no stigma towards the wives and daughters of the terrorists arrested and brought here. They even support the pregnant women among us and show no concern  that some parents of unborn children are Boko Haram fighters. 

Immediately, any pregnant woman linked to Boko Haram will be arrested and brought here, they will register them for antenatal screening. To the best of our knowledge, no pregnant woman has ever been advised  to terminate her pregnancy. Pregnancy, regardless of how the pregnancy was brought about.

In separate talks with PRNigeria, commander of the 7th Division Hospital and Medical Services Lt. Col. Adeniyi Ogunsakin, and Sergeant Caesar Ojoko, representative of the 7th Division Medical Hospital at the Giwa Barracks Inmate Health Clinic, they said as military health workers.

They are always concerned about the condition of  wives of terrorists and their daughters detained by the troops with pregnancies. "So our biggest concern is not how to help them or how to convince them to terminate their pregnancy. We don't do that. No global best practice. 

Therefore, there is no way the military would support such an act as medical officers could perform at any of their health facilities. "Thank God we've never seen a situation where anyone would have contacted us about this, even if we hadn't coerced anyone  in our medical facilities or otherwise," they said.