Russian Spokesman: Moscow Will Not Agree To A Price Ceiling For Russian oil.

Moscow will not agree to a price cap for Russian oil, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. "We are evaluating the situation. Certain preparations have been made for such a limitation.

The European Union previously agreed to cap the price of Russian oil at $60 a barrel. 

Moscow will not agree to a price cap for Russian oil, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. "We are evaluating the situation. Certain preparations have been made for such a limitation.

We will not accept the price cap and  will inform you about how the work will be organized after the assessment is complete," the Kremlin spokesman commented on the EU decision. 

On Friday, the countries of the European Union  agreed on a cap on the Russian sea oil price  at $60 per barrel G7 members and Australia announced similar measures.