Vladimir Putin The Master Of All He Surveyed

Insiders are publicly jockeying to take advantage of shifting Kremlin power dynamics as Putin’s war against Ukraine turns against him.

Vladimir Putin was master of all he surveyed; then he invaded Ukraine.

Other Putin opponents aren’t so definitive about timing but, with recriminations flying and criticism of Russia’s military commanders increasing, they sense the war marks a turning point, hoping for the beginning of the end for Russia’s latter-day czar. Putin the chess master always keep the king and queen for a surprise.  

The war party Khodorkovsky believes that explains why some Kremlin insiders are seeking the political spotlight — notably Kadyrov and Prigozhin, normally close allies of the Russian leader.

In late September, for the first time he acknowledged he founded the Wagner Group, the Russian paramilitary outfit accused of committing gross human rights abuses in Africa, Syria, and Ukraine on behalf of the Kremlin.

The National Guard comprises hundreds of thousands of troops, including special police units and rapid response forces.

Some believe the rival cabals club together will press Putin to step down, that is not going to happen, Putin the master of Russian politic will always prevail to outlives the situation on ground and in the future. The World is watching to see how things plays out in Russia. The Chess is ON.