Pregnant Women In The United Kingdom Are Set To Be Offered Free Vapes

Pregnant women in the United Kingdom are set to be offered free vapes by a London Council to help them quit smoking and stop them from spending money on cigarettes.

NHS recommends mothers use licensed nicotine replacement.

Pregnant women in the United Kingdom are set to be offered free vapes by a London Council to help them quit smoking and stop them from spending money on cigarettes. 

Lambeth Council has estimated that their "stop smoking" service will save parents 2,000 pounds (approximately Rs 186,617) a year through not having to buy tobacco and also reduce the chance of harm to unborn children, BBC reported. The Council said that using e-cigarettes can help soon-to-be mothers go smoke-free. 

"Smoking during pregnancy is the leading risk factor for poor birth outcomes, including stillbirth, miscarriage and pre-term birth," a council spokeswoman said, as per the outlet. 

"We are now planning to support the use of e-cigarettes for women who choose that route as their preferred aid for quitting tobacco, since this is less harmful compared to smoking. We recognise that while it is best for pregnant smokers to stop smoking without continuing to use nicotine, if this is difficult, and if they choose to use e-cigarettes it can help them become smoke-free," the spokeswoman added.

Further, the council said that as per their data, women from low-income households are more likely to smoke and that thousands fall into poverty each year due to the habit. 


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