School Attack 3 People Killed Including A Suspected Gunman in St. Louis, Missouri

David Williams, a mathematics teacher at the school, told the newspaper that around 9am the headmaster spoke over loudspeakers. and said the code word that indicated there was a school gunner in the building.

At least three people, including a suspected gunman, were killed in a high school shooting in St. Louis, Missouri, in the American Midwest. St. Louis Police Commissioner Michael Sack said six other people were injured in the incident. Monday morning filming at Central Visual and Performing Arts High School.

He said among the dead were an adult woman, a young girl and the suspected gunman. Students at the school told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that many of them barricaded themselves in their classrooms to stay safe.

David Williams, a mathematics teacher at the school, told the newspaper that around 9am the headmaster spoke over loudspeakers. and said the code word that indicated there was a school gunner in the building.

St. Louis Public Schools said on Twitter that the shooter was "quickly apprehended by police within the CPVA." identified, but police  described him as a man in his 20s.