Does The West's Playbook Hurt The West More?
Does The West's Playbook Hurt The West More?
Suddenly, China, which has been cornered, is evolving its own version of the playbook differs from the western version of the playbook, while the west was busy focusing all its efforts on cornering Russia, China has been busy launching a new version of its own playbook, different from the old version of the western playbook, with many nations aligning themselves with China, even against US interests.

Does the West's playbook hurt the West more? 

The United States, a great nation of great power and wealth, has led Western nations and the world for more than 70 years. 

The West has spread around the world a form of system known as democracy. These democratic values ​​are reorganized when a nation practicing this system of government is 100% loyal to the United States and follows its commands, even when  decisions go against that nation's national interests. an updated version or something more appropriate for the current era is what the west needs.

For a moment, when a nation loyal to the United States is doing something wrong, the book turns a blind eye. Since U.S control most of the financial institutions like the World Bank and the IMF, all those other nations that wanted to do business with the IMF or the World Bank will only pretend to be loyal just to do business. 

Suddenly, China, which has been cornered, is evolving its own version of the playbook differs from the western version of the playbook, while the west was busy focusing all its efforts on  cornering Russia, China has been busy launching a new version of its own playbook, different from the old version of the western playbook, with many nations aligning themselves with China, even against US interests. 

As China developed a new version of the Playbook, today even the United States and most western nations have borrowed from China, no continent without a trace of China's financial contributions as loans or belt-and-road Initiative. China has developed its infrastructures beyond human imagination, from a poor nation 40 years ago to a very rich and prosperous nation in 2022. In China, its citizens believed that the West  invented Corvid-19 to harm them and their economy, not what we believe in the west. 

Some how the lockdown in China contained the virus. During this pandemic many nations economy was reduced but China economy was increasing. 

As the west attempts to  contain Russia, 70% of the EU economy will be hit with no stimulus plan in hand, leading some European nations to look to China, as we saw last week when the German leader visited China. Russia cheap energy is now been channel to Asia to help the nations of Asia to develop. 

If the US tries to keep Europe within it control at all cost, alternative leaders will emerge from Europe who may not be loyal to the US. If the European economy collapses in the process, the US will bear more of the burden. 

As implied in one of Trump's interviews, US cooperation with Russia will be a good thing, Putin is always open and honest with world leaders. Trying to isolate Russia or China exposes the wrong version of the old script. That's why I think The Western Playbook is the most damaging to the West.

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