The State Duma Committee Confirms Heavy Fines For LGBT Propaganda
The State Duma Committee Confirms Heavy Fines For LGBT Propaganda
In some cases, the activities of legal entities can be suspended for 90 days and foreign citizens can be subjected to 15 days of administrative detention or expelled from the country.

The State Duma Committee confirms heavy fines for LGBT propaganda ahead of the second reading of the bill. 

In some cases, the activities of legal entities can be suspended for 90 days and foreign citizens can be subjected to 15 days of administrative detention or expelled from the country. 

The State Construction and Legislative Committee of Russia's State Duma (lower house of parliament)  on Monday recommended that the chamber pass the second reading of a bill imposing substantial fines for  propaganda of non-traditional sex and pedophilia, suggesting  the document expands will. Include gender reassignment propaganda. 

The fines have not changed since the first reading of the bill. The document provides for fines of up to four million rubles ($65,800) for adult LGBT propaganda  and fines of up to five million rubles ($82,200) for such cases of child propaganda.

Fines for pedophilia propaganda will be up to ten million rubles ($164,500). In some cases, the activities of legal entities can be suspended for 90 days and foreign citizens can be subjected to 15 days of administrative detention or expelled from the country. 

Meanwhile, the committee proposed that the State Duma reject amendments introducing administrative penalties for  propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations in computer games, where fines could reach several thousand rubles for individuals and officials and five million rubles for legal entities. 

In addition,  the State Duma committee recommended rejecting any amendment criminalizing the propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations and pedophilia. in the media would be a prison sentence of up to five years behind bars.

In October, the State Duma passed the first reading of bills banning  propaganda of non-traditional sex and pedophilia in Russia and introducing administrative penalties for offenders. The responsible committees prepare the documents for the second reading. 

The draft law on administrative penalties for LGBT propaganda among children provides a maximum penalty of five million rubles and proposes a maximum penalty of up to four million rubles for propaganda among adults. Those found guilty of pedophilia propaganda can face fines of up to tens of millions of rubles.

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