Beijing Imposes Export Curbs on Crucial Raw Materials Amid US-China Trade Disputes
Beijing Imposes Export Curbs on Crucial Raw Materials Amid US-China Trade Disputes
China's decision to impose export controls on gallium and germanium reflects its response to supply chain controls imposed by the United States. These curbs on crucial raw materials used in chip manufacturing may have significant implications for the global technology industry, already grappling with a chip shortage.

The ongoing trade disputes between the United States and China have taken yet another turn as Beijing recently announced the imposition of export controls on essential raw materials used in chip manufacturing. This move by China is seen as a response to the supply chain controls imposed by the US on Chinese companies.

The curbs will affect the export of two rare elements, gallium and germanium, both of which are vital for the production of semiconductors. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce stated that these measures are necessary to protect national security and interests. This article will delve deeper into the implications of these export controls and their potential impact on the global technology industry.

Export Controls on Gallium and Germanium:

Starting from August 1st, China will include gallium and germanium on its export control list, thereby subjecting their exports to stringent regulations. Exporters seeking to ship these raw materials out of the country will be required to obtain special permission from the state. Gallium and germanium find applications in various industries, including computer chip manufacturing and solar panel production. The European Union has also identified these elements as critical raw materials necessary for its economy.

China's Dominance in Gallium and Germanium Production:

China currently holds the position of the world's largest producer of gallium, as per the US Geological Survey. Additionally, the country leads in global production and export of germanium. Given China's significant market share and control over these resources, its export curbs on gallium and germanium will likely have far-reaching consequences. The move can potentially disrupt global supply chains, particularly in the semiconductor industry, which heavily relies on these raw materials.

Implications for the Global Technology Industry:

The export controls imposed by China pose a challenge for chip manufacturers worldwide, who heavily depend on a stable and uninterrupted supply of gallium and germanium. With these restrictions, companies may face difficulties in securing sufficient quantities of these raw materials, potentially leading to production delays and increased costs.

The global technology industry is already grappling with a severe chip shortage, and the imposition of export curbs on gallium and germanium will only exacerbate the situation. It highlights the increasing tensions surrounding technology and trade between the US and China, as both countries strive to protect their national interests and technological advancements.

US-China Relations and Blinken's Visit:

The announcement of these export controls comes just before the scheduled visit of US Treasury Secretary Blinken to Beijing. Blinken's visit aims to establish channels of communication and discuss areas of concern between the two superpowers. While no significant breakthroughs are expected, this visit signifies a willingness to engage in dialogue and address global challenges.


China's decision to impose export controls on gallium and germanium reflects its response to supply chain controls imposed by the United States. These curbs on crucial raw materials used in chip manufacturing may have significant implications for the global technology industry, already grappling with a chip shortage. The move highlights the growing tensions between the US and China in the realm of technology and trade. As discussions between US and Chinese officials continue, it remains to be seen how these disputes will shape the future of the global technology landscape.

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