Court Said Belgian State Didn't Violate The Rights Of Person in Euthanasia Case
Court  Said Belgian State Didn't Violate The Rights Of Person in Euthanasia Case
Judges ruled in favor of Belgium in three out of four counts.

Human rights court sides with Belgium in euthanasia case Judges ruled in favor of Belgium in three out of four counts.

The Belgian state didn't violate the rights of a person suffering from depression when it accepted her decision to go ahead with a euthanasia procedure, the European Court of Human Rights found Tuesday.

She had been suffering from chronic depression for around 40 years when she approached oncologist Wim Distelmans to ask him to go through with euthanasia.

The complaint was taken to the court by de Troyer's son, Tom Mortier, who said he wasn't properly informed of the decision to go ahead with the procedure.

Doctors had made reasonable efforts to ensure she reached out to her children, while still protecting her right to privacy.

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