Igbo Council Leaders Commended the Nigerian Army and other Security Agencies for their Rapid Responses that Saved the Situation.
Igbo Council Leaders Commended the Nigerian Army and other Security Agencies for their Rapid Responses that Saved the Situation.
Igbo Council Leaders Commended the Nigerian Army and other Security Agencies for their Rapid Responses that Saved the Situation.

Igbo Council Leaders expressed their deep condolences to the families and friends of those killed and injured by “these heinous acts” and commended the Nigerian Army and other security agencies for their rapid responses that saved the situation, including the effort of the commission for home land security in Abia state.

The Igbo Council Leaders reaffirmed that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to development, peace and progress of Igbo race,” the leaders said in a press statement, which condemned the attack on livestock market in Omumauzor, Ukwa West Local Government Area, Abia State Nigeria.

Reiterating that any acts of attack are criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, wherever and whenever, and by whomsoever committed it, the leaders reaffirmed the need for all Igbos to come together to combat by all means, within the framework of our progressive mind to stop all this type of attacks that presents us (Igbo's) in a bad light before other Nigerians and international community.

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