The Iranian Military Started Its Annual Exercise In The Gulf Of Oman
The Iranian Military Started Its Annual Exercise In The Gulf Of Oman
According to state television, the exercises aim to "improve readiness to face foreign threats and a possible invasion". Iran regularly conducts such drills to improve its defense capabilities and test its weapons

The Iranian military started its annual exercise in the Gulf of Oman and near the strategic Strait of Hormuz on Friday, according to state television. 

Dubbed “Zolfaghar-1401,” the maneuvers will involve commandos, airborne troops, drones and fighter jets. , helicopters, military transport aircraft and submarines and will include the launch of missiles and air defense systems. 

According to state television, the exercises aim to "improve readiness to face foreign threats and a possible invasion". Iran regularly conducts such drills to improve its defense capabilities and test its weapons. 

The Strait of Hormuz is a crucial passageway for the world's energy supply, passing through about one-fifth of all oil traded at sea.

The exercises come as Iran continues to crack down on anti-government protests that have been raging for more than three months. 

The protests, which began in mid-September, were sparked by the death of a woman who was arrested by the country's police. moral police and have become calls to end clerical rule in the country. 

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