Ensuring A Clear And Fair Electoral Framework In Nigeria
Ensuring A Clear And Fair Electoral Framework In Nigeria
While Nigerian citizens demonstrated their commitment to the democratic process during the 2023 general elections, the election highlighted enduring systemic weaknesses that call for further legal and operational reforms.

One positive aspect noted during the voter registration process was the active engagement of young people. With two-thirds of the nine and a half million new registrants being young individuals, it reflects a growing interest and participation of the youth in the democratic process. However, there is a need for greater efforts to protect genuine youth participation and address the underrepresentation of marginalized groups in political life. Robust measures should be taken to ensure inclusivity and equal opportunities for all segments of society.

Unfortunately, the collection of permanent voter cards was negatively affected by poor institutional planning and a lack of transparency. To address this issue and ensure the accuracy and inclusiveness of the voter register, an external and independent audit would be beneficial. Such an audit would provide an unbiased assessment of the voter registration process and instill public confidence in the integrity of the electoral system.

The campaign leading up to the elections was marked by competitiveness and a generally respected freedom of assembly, as evidenced by the nationwide conduct of rallies. However, challenges such as currency, cash, and fuel scarcity, as well as incidents of orchestrated violence, hampered some campaign activities and reduced attendance. It is important to address these challenges and ensure a level playing field for all candidates. Undue interference by governors and internal party conflicts further tilted the balance and increased polarization, driven by divisive rhetoric based on ethnicity and religion. This undermines the democratic principles of fairness and equality.

The prevalence of pre-election court cases and campaign-related violent incidents, including assassinations, posed significant obstacles to the campaign process and suppressed voter participation. Weaknesses in the legal framework regarding electoral offenses, such as misuse of state resources, intimidation, and vote buying, contributed to inadequate enforcement. Both the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and political parties need to prioritize addressing these issues to uphold the integrity of the electoral process.

One positive measure introduced before the elections was the increase in the number of polling units and the establishment of a system for electronic accreditation of party agents, media, and observers. However, operational failures and a lack of transparency on the part of INEC severely damaged public confidence. Although some corrective measures were implemented, trust was not fully restored, leading civil society to call for an independent audit of the entire process. To address this, it is crucial to establish a robust operational framework that ensures the independence, integrity, and efficiency of electoral administration. This framework should include an inclusive and publicly accountable mechanism for selecting candidates for the positions of INEC Commissioners and Resident Electoral Commissioners, based on merit, qualifications, and verified nonpartisanship.

Freedom of expression faced several challenges during the electoral process, with limitations on access to diverse information and attacks against media practitioners. The development of a comprehensive operational framework, supported by prompt investigation and prosecution of attacks against journalists, is necessary to protect freedom of expression. While the media played a crucial role in raising voter awareness and fact-checking, the spread of misinformation on social media highlighted the need for legislative amendments to safeguard freedom of expression.

Inclusion and equal representation are essential components of a democratic electoral process. Measures should be taken to ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities, provision of assistive devices, and the publication of data on registration and voting by internally displaced persons. Women's political participation in Nigeria falls short of international commitments and provisions for equality. The decline in the number of women participating in the electoral process since 2007 is a concerning trend that needs to be addressed. Efforts should be made to promote and support women's representation in politics, including encouraging their candidacy and nomination for key positions.

In conclusion, while Nigerian citizens demonstrated their commitment to the democratic process during the 2023 general elections, the election highlighted enduring systemic weaknesses that call for further legal and operational reforms. Transparency, inclusiveness, and accountability should be the guiding principles in strengthening the electoral framework. By eliminating ambiguities in the law, protecting genuine youth participation, addressing operational failures, promoting freedom of expression, and ensuring inclusivity and equal representation, Nigeria can strive towards a more robust and democratic electoral process. These reforms will be crucial in upholding the integrity of elections and fostering public trust in the democratic system.

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