Major General Taoreed Abiodun Lagbaja: The New Chief of Army Staff's Official Portrait Unveiled
Major General Taoreed Abiodun Lagbaja: The New Chief of Army Staff's Official Portrait Unveiled
The release of Major General Taoreed Abiodun Lagbaja's official portrait as the 23rd Chief of Army Staff by the Nigerian Army signifies the importance of visual representation and adherence to protocol.

The Nigerian Army has recently released a statement regarding the official portrait of Major General Taoreed Abiodun Lagbaja, the newly appointed 23rd Chief of Army Staff. In the message, recipients are urged to disregard any previous images of the Chief of Army Staff from his former commands and use the officially approved portrait. This article explores the significance of the official portrait and highlights the importance of adhering to this directive.

A Symbol of Authority and Recognition

The official portrait of Major General Taoreed Abiodun Lagbaja represents a symbol of authority and recognition within the Nigerian Army. As the 23rd Chief of Army Staff, Major General Lagbaja assumes a pivotal role in leading the army and ensuring the security and well-being of the nation. The official portrait serves as a visual representation of his esteemed position and signifies his authority and responsibilities.

Maintaining Consistency and Uniformity

Releasing the official portrait and requesting its usage is a step towards maintaining consistency and uniformity within the Nigerian Army's communication channels. It ensures that all official materials, publications, and announcements concerning Major General Lagbaja are aligned with the established protocol and present a unified image of the Chief of Army Staff.

Emphasizing Professionalism and Discipline

The Nigerian Army's directive to disregard any previous images of Major General Lagbaja from his former commands and strictly adhere to the approved official portrait underscores the importance of professionalism and discipline within the military ranks. By upholding these standards, the Nigerian Army aims to maintain a cohesive and disciplined image while reinforcing the hierarchy and respect for command structures.

Showing Respect and Protocol

Using the officially approved portrait demonstrates respect and adherence to protocol within the Nigerian Army. It acknowledges the chain of command and displays the appropriate level of recognition and honor attributed to Major General Lagbaja's position as the Chief of Army Staff. By following the directive, individuals and units within the Nigerian Army exhibit their respect for authority and contribute to fostering a culture of discipline and unity.


The release of Major General Taoreed Abiodun Lagbaja's official portrait as the 23rd Chief of Army Staff by the Nigerian Army signifies the importance of visual representation and adherence to protocol. This directive serves to maintain consistency, professionalism, and discipline within the military establishment. By using the officially approved portrait, the Nigerian Army demonstrates respect for authority and upholds the principles of hierarchy and command structure. Major General Lagbaja's portrait stands as a symbol of his authority, and its usage underscores the significance of his role in leading the army and safeguarding the nation.

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