Peter Obi is better than other candidates – Musa Kacha Reply To Reno Omokri
Peter Obi is better than other candidates – Musa Kacha Reply To Reno Omokri
Peter Obi is better than other candidates – Musa Kacha Reply To Reno Omokri

Peter Obi is better than other candidates – Musa Kacha Reply To Reno Omokri

Pandora Papers did not list Peter Obi as being corrupt. The record of the Pandora Papers show Peter Obi foreign investment was done before he become Governor of Anambra State. When He (Peter Obi) was invited by EFCC, He presented documents and records to show the investments was done before he become governor and there was no additional investment to his foreign investment listed in Pandora Papers during his time as governor or after his time as governor.

Being listed in the Pandora papers is not an indication of corruption. Pandora papers only listed records of leaders around the world with offshore investment and its value... The lists include Kings, Presidents, prime ministers and business men and women around the world. In case of Peter Obi, his wealth is tracible before he come into government sector

Mr. Peter Obi, have clean track records of how he made his money and become chairman of banks and other companies before becoming a governor.

None of all the Candidates contesting to become Nigeria president today was as rich as Peter Obi before coming into government sector. If any of the candidates can present their account statements or documents to indicate they were so rich before coming to government sector like Peter Obi, I will stop supporting Peter Obi and start supporting them.

Musa Kacha – Concerned Nigerian

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