IAEA Independent Verification Of Russian Allegations That Kyiv Is Making Dirty Bombs
IAEA Independent Verification Of Russian Allegations That Kyiv Is Making  Dirty Bombs
Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) "have begun and will soon complete verification activities at two sites in Ukraine," the agency said in a statement Monday provide conclusions on recent verification activities at the two sites," the statement added. The inspections follow a written request from the Ukrainian government to send IAEA teams there. Russia has accused Ukraine of preparing to use dirty bombs against Moscow troops.

The United Nations nuclear watchdog said it had begun inspections in Ukraine as part of "independent verification" of Russian allegations that Kyiv is making so-called dirty bombs. 

Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) "have begun and will soon complete verification activities at two sites in Ukraine," the agency said in a statement Monday provide conclusions on recent verification activities at the two sites," the statement added. The inspections follow a written request from the Ukrainian government to send IAEA teams there. Russia has accused Ukraine of preparing to use dirty bombs against Moscow troops.

The Ukrainian authorities have firmly denied the allegation, saying it was an attempt to divert attention from Moscow's alleged plans to detonate a dirty bomb  to justify its own escalation of hostilities. The agency said last week that it "inspected one of the two sites a month ago and found no undeclared nuclear material or activity there. 

A dirty bomb is a conventional bomb mixed with radioactive, biological, or chemical material that is released when a nuclear explosion occurs "as soon as possible." Putin  said the Kiev government wants to "cover up traces of the construction of a 'dirty bomb'." and claimed she also knew roughly where the construction took place

In its statement on Monday, the IAEA  also called for the release of an employee at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant  who was arrested about two weeks ago. The facility, Europe's largest nuclear facility, was captured by Russian troops in March in the first days of the invasion. 

Grossi reiterated the "precarious situation" at the plant, including his concern about "increasingly difficult and stressful working conditions for the plant's Ukrainian operating staff.

Another employee who was arrested about two weeks ago was recently released, the statement said. The military is "kidnapping" plant personnel and recently said about 50 employees are being held in "captivity".

Russia and Ukraine have accused each other of bombing the power plant, raising fears of a nuclear catastrophe. The IAEA has contacted Moscow and Kyiv to set up a security zone around the facility.

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